Columbia prof resigns in protest of antisemitic professor teaching class on Israeli society
"Columbia has lost not only its moral compass, but its intellectual one" Lawrence Rosenblatt wrote in his resignation. He's the first Columbia prof to do so in face of his colleague's antisemitism
A professor at the School of International Affairs and Public Policy at Columbia University (a graduate school I took a few classes at many moons ago) has resigned from his post in protest of his colleague Joseph Massad’s comments on Jews and Israel.
As I previously reported, Massad, a self-described Palestinian-Christian is set to teach a course on Palestinian and Israeli Politics next semester. Nearly 80,000 signatures are on a petition to fire him, as his comment’s about Hamas being “awesome” and Israel being “genocidal” makes himself and the course questionably biased in a time where students desperately should be exposed to multiple perspectives on the conflict.
Today Professor Lawrence “Muzzy” Rosenblatt said this in his resignation letter:
President Armstrong, Dean Yarhi-Milo, Dean May, Professor Fuchs, Professor Holloway: I hereby resign my position as a member of the Columbia University faculty, effective immediately.
I do so in response to learning (and seeing listed on the Columbia class registry) that a course on Zionism and the State of Israel will be taught this coming semester by Joseph A. Massad, who has advocated for the destruction of the State of Israel and celebrated the October 7 attacks. This would be akin to having a White Nationalist teach about the U.S. Civil Rights movement and the struggle for Black equality, or having a climate denier teach about the impact of global warming, or a misogynist teach about Feminism. While Massad has a right to think what he thinks, and speak what he believes, Columbia has a responsibility to teach objectively and fairly. At best perhaps one could tolerate a class on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict co-taught from the many diverse Israeli and Palestinian perspectives, though not by someone who advocates for the eradication of a group of people. But that is not what is happening here. Columbia has lost not only its moral compass, but its intellectual one.
Over the past 15 months I stayed to teach because I believe the Institution was not aligned with the hateful and destructive values of some who teach and study here, and that by staying I would not be ceding the Academy to those who spew evil, but instead be a model for thoughtful, responsible and professional learning. However, the institution of Columbia, in officially sanctioning this class and this professor, has harmed the Academy it once was. As it is gone, I cannot remain. My hope is that Columbia will correct this travesty, and if so, I would be open to returning. Until then, and having ensured my responsibilities have been completed for the semester just ending, I hereby resign.
With sadness, anger, pride and conviction, Lawrence "Muzzy" Rosenblatt Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs School of International and Public Affairs Columbia University New York City December 16, 2024
Muzzy taught political science. He focused his research on eradicating homelessness. He leads a nonprofit called Bowery Residents Committee (BRC), which has grown to an operating budget of nearly 200 million annually with 1,300 staff involved.
As of publication time, Columbia did not respond to a request for comment.
I stopped donating years ago. They do not listen. They do not HAVE to listen. Sad.